

Until now, the rapid spread of diseases through workplaces and estate entrances hadn’t crossed our minds. It most likely hasn’t even been a point of consideration when choosing a biometric solution either.

This has come as a rude awakening to the security industry.

Since the rapid spread of COVID-19 around the World, suddenly this realisation has made many more aware of the health risks of these solutions. The fact is that biometric solutions – especially fingerprint readers – are a breeding ground for contagious diseases.

So what does the market look like, on the other side of this Worldwide lockdown?

The way the market is headed is undoubtedly in the direction of touchless biometric solutions.

We have been preparing ourselves for some time, but this global epidemic has ushered it in swiftly, and will result in the industry being more receptive to the change in technology.

This would entail solutions which are capable of identifying people without the need for users to touch the device, namely touchless fingerprint readers, intelligent facial recognition technology and iris recognition readers.

The innovative biometric scanners will enhance security and increase the efficiency of identification, while simultaneously offering a reduction in the risk of the spread of diseases.


Touchless solutions are the face of the future.