Security Companies

Security Companies

Whether you’re a business owner or not, this is honestly some of the most valuable information I could possibly share with you.


There are audits which are conducted at businesses across South Africa by the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA), and sadly, if you aren’t compliant, you will be fined – sometimes exorbitant amounts.


If you aren’t familiar with PSIRA, they are the regulating authority for EVERY security business in South Africa. Now, while you might not be a security company and not required to register all your staff, you need to be aware of the dangers of utilising security companies who aren’t compliant with PSIRA… because I can tell you there are loads of fly-by-night companies flying under the radar.


In fact, members of the public and business owners are strongly advised to exercise caution when entering into any contractual relationship or business relationships with a service provider who is not registered.


What makes a PSIRA Registered Security Company Different?


Apart from the peace of mind which comes from dealing with companies who are certified, you also know that you’re protected. This is because in order to be compliant with PSIRA, all of your staff need to be registered.


This automatically ensures that every technician or company representative entering your store is fully trained, and more importantly, that these personnel have no criminal record. The last thing you would want is a criminal to gain insight into your security system.


Shocking facts about Security Companies Not Registered with PSIRA?


☑️  Criminals are using security companies for inside information to commit crime!
☑️   You could be allowing criminals access into your business,
☑️  You’re essentially doing business with companies who are committing a criminal offence,
☑️  Many companies are grossly underpaying their staff because they not registered,
☑️  These companies are cutting costs – not willing to pay the fees related to training their staff.


Here Are Some Things That You Can Do


The best thing you can do is contact your existing service provider and ask them for their PSIRA verification, or you can go onto PSIRA’s website and search via the company name.


Or you can just click the image below, which will take you directly to the PSIRA search page.



You can immediately search your service provider’s business name, and you’ll see whether they are registered or not.


I believe that this information will educate many of you, and even save you money and unnecessary trouble.


And remember – we, at Plug & Play, are 100% certified and verified by PSIRA and are happy to assist with all your security needs.


PLUG & PLAY SECURITY    –    PSIRA # 2610949.


All the best,


Quintin Marais
Director | Plug & Play Solutions